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Comp. Assessment

The Comprehensive Assessment

The comprehensive assessment for the Masters in English is a portfolio which allows the student and faculty an opportunity to review and assess the student’s scholarly progress in the graduate program. The portfolio consists of a reflective essay and approximately 25 pages of writing that was completed for courses taken during the student’s program of study. The submitted work may comprise one long paper or a combination of shorter works. The 1500-word essay should include the following:

  • An explanation of how the writing submitted represents scholarly work central to the student’s intellectual progress.
  • A reflection on any changes and/or growth in the student’s intellectual development from the beginning of the program to its completion.
  • A discussion of future plans for intellectual growth and/or professional development.

Portfolios will be assessed by a graduate faculty committee and will help determine if students receiving the degree are awarded a “pass” or “pass with distinction” designation.

Students applying for December graduation must submit their portfolios by November 1; students applying for May or August graduation must submit portfolios by April 1.


Registration for the Comprehensive Assessment:

Students may register for the assessment after all coursework is completed, or during the semester in which they are taking their final courses for the degree. The course number is ENGL 700. Students must also have completed all incompletes and have a cumulative average of 3.0. (See the Graduate Bulletin.)  Please note that registering for the assessment and applying for graduation are separate steps.

Students applying for December graduation must submit their portfolios by November 1; students applying for May or August graduation must submit portfolios by April 1.

