Preliminary Project Approval
The proposal should be titled and have four sections:
Statement of Purpose: (1000 words max)
- This statement should clearly convey your reasons for choosing to propose a thesis as well as provide a sense of how the thesis serves you in meeting your academic and professional goals. Please be specific about these goals and how they are unique to you as an individual and as a developing specialist in the area of research you are proposing.
- Scholarly Abstract (500 words max):
- Briefly propose your topic with a clearly stated thesis, a statement about the scope of your critical and theoretical context, and a description your intended methodology. Situate your project within the existing critical literature on your subject and suggest what new contributions you may make.
- Preliminary Annotated Bibliography (10-15 secondary sources in MLA format):
- The purpose of the annotations is to allow a reader to determine the type, function, importance and intended use of your preliminary literature review.
- Rationale for proposed Thesis Chair (250 words max):
- Student Signature______________________________ Date____________________
- Student_________________________________________ ID_________________________
- Graduate Coordinator _________________________________ Date___________________
- Please provide reasons for choosing your proposed Thesis Chair. Please indicate that you have discussed the project with this individual and that you have their preliminary agreement to serve on your committee.